Blean Village Hall

Copyright: Blean Village Hall 2010-2024

Everything you need to know about Blean Village Hall.


The Raise the Roof project represents the identity and logo of a unique collaboration between our community based volunteer group of people, working equally alongside the hall management committee to improve the village hall and adjacent recreation ground.

Both held in trust on behalf of the community by the Blean Parish Council and the Blean Village Hall Management Committee in perpetuity, for all who wish to use these unique facilities.

Formed in March (2010) at an open meeting for interested parties from our community the group of all ages grew in numbers, strength and commitment in a very short time.

Distinctive interest groups were formed:

1. Research and Development Group carry out research, feasibility studies informed from public opinion, consultation, and information. Collating the outcome into reports, with public feedback, meetings, and recommendations to BVHMC to meet resident’s and user group’s needs at the village hall.

2. Fund Raising Group – volunteers of all ages with skills, time and enthusiasm undertake the organisation and running of monthly or more community based social events to attract and include all age groups. This group also comprise a dedicated working party that devotes their professional, practical and technical skills to help maintain the hall’s internal and external fabric.

3. Resident’s offer both financial and physical support which has strengthened Blean’s community by the sheer joy of having fun and meeting up together.  The calendar of large and small regular social events offers a range of opportunities to socialise and meet up in the hall and/on the recreation ground throughout the year.

4.  Publicity Network via: Blean Residences Facebook page, dedicated and secure email supporters list for news and updates, this website, community and garden based poster boards, village information and public notice boards and above all, word of mouth – is the best means to communicate.

5. Transparency and openness in communicating plans, projects, progress, and the social events has been fundamental and key to the sustained interest and participation from our Raise the Roof community based volunteers and supporters.  They know what’s going on, we abide by the commitment made to consult and listen.

Please take a look at the 2024 Calendar of social events which are both inclusive to all and varied in appeal, include access to the Blean Heritage Museum and archive sited permanently in the hall.

The aim is to continue to improve the facilities considered necessary for our well used hall, the hirers, user groups, volunteers and organisations to make it sustainable for our 21st Century needs, Phase 1 extension and refurbishment project, was completed in 2013 which will lead to the Phase 2 project to build a larger storage area and improved toilet facilities, when funding from grants, and the community are available.


Interested in joining as a volunteer or want to know what’s actually going on in Blean – email: